While shopping Nana had mentioned that she had seen a commercial for the Hess Truck and that she would like to see one to maybe buy for Jesse. I said that if we passed a station that we would go in and check on it. We found one in St. Augustine and me, Nana & Gack went in to check out the truck. We walked around the store to find the boxes but could not find them. I approached the counter and asked the lady where the trucks were. She pointed to the shelf behind her and there way back in the corner of the shelf was a truck on display.
I asked her if we would see it and she said, "NO, that one is for display!" I then said, "I don't want to buy your display truck my Nana just wants to see if it's something she wants to purchase." The lady behind the counter proceeded to tell us that she cannot remove the display from the shelf unless we want to buy a truck. I told her that we don't want to buy a truck if we can't see the merchandise. She was looking at me like I was speaking Charlie Brown language. My Nana and Gack were looking at me like Oh Lord Joy is about to get mean to this lady.
I asked her where are the boxes of trucks for people to purchase and she motioned under her counter. I then asked if I could hold one of the boxes to read about the truck. She replied, "I can't give you a box unless I ring it up." At this point I'm thinking, does this lady really think me and my elderly grandparents are gonna get this truck and high-tail it out the store? Also, by this time my Nana is fed up and making the "Uh-un" sound. She said it about 4 times and was starting to sound like big chicken walking around the store. I know that the wrath of Joy is bad but to put the wrath of Nana of the poor lady would be bad.
So needless to say we left the store without a Hess Truck. When we got in the truck we had to tell the story to mom. Mom asked if the truck even look like it was worth all the fuss?? To which Gack replied, "It looked nice from 15 feet away."
That gets funnier every time, and I was kinda there ! ! ! You forgot the part about it being next to the rolling papers and Playboy ! ! ! !
This is too funny... I can't BELIEVE she wouldn't let you see it! You tell it so well, I can just see it in my head. I can see myself reading this again, and laughing even harder the next time...
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