After the marathon shopping on Friday I rushed home to get us ready for the Christmas Parade. Promising Kady that I would take her to the parade was the only way I was able to leave her home with Jamie while we went shopping. That baby loves to go shopping. By the way, the only way Jamie got out of going shopping Friday was he promised to go to the parade. I love to bargain with him!

We found John & Amy's family and stood with them across from the courthouse. Jamie bought Kady a bag of popcorn and she was set! The parade started at 7pm and did not get over until 8:15, it was a long one this year. Kady loved seeing all the floats and all the music. Eli and Luke were dancing more than the kids in the parade. Everyone was laughing at them. Every time Kady seen Santa, she referred to him as Snow Claus. We were looking for my niece Jenna because she was going to be in the parade with the high school's float. They finally came by at the end of the parade and dumped a pile of candy in front of Kady, Eli, Luke & McKenzie.

Kady would not take candy from the other people she is so strange about that. One man tried to give her a tootsie roll and she would not take it so he finally gave up and just dropped it at her feet. After he walked on by she picked it up and threw it in middle of the road. I'm glad she does not take stuff from strangers but I really would have enjoyed that tootsie roll!
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