As you can imagine the getting ready to skate took longer than the actual skate time. By the time she got all the equipment on she was bored. I had to hold her hand the entire time because she was a little timid about letting go. This was fine with me because I didn't want to have to bandage her up after skate time was over. After a little while she was ready to quit so I took her inside and removed all of her skate gear. She was relieved to have all of the stuff off and when I asked her if she wanted to go skate again she said, "NO Mommy, it's scary."

This whole ordeal reminded me of the story of me and my first bicycle. I got a bicycle for my 6th birthday and the only proof that I even owned a bicycle is this one picture of me on it. There are several indications in this picture that I was not cut out for cycling. First is the fact that I chose to get on the bicycle when it's nighttime. Not the ideal time for riding. Next please notice the attire that I am wearing. What child wears a dress, frilly socks and church shoes. I'll tell you who....a child who knows that this will be the one photo of her on a bicycle. I was always afraid of it. When I was forced to ride one at my friend Danielle's house I would get off of it to turn a corner. I thought I'd take the corner and fly off the other side. Like I said, I was not good at it. The moral of this story is that one day Kady will see the picture of her in skates and think the same thing.
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