I asked a girl sitting next to me, whose daughter just turned 4 about the HM issue. She replied, "She went straight from Dora and Backyardigans to HM!" To which I replied, "You should have changed the channel." Not that I don't like Miley Cyrus, I mean just ask Amy we have some killer dance moves for her song See You Again.
I just think that 3 years old is a little young for that sort of show. This is the age where they are learning letters, numbers and how to read. Kady does not need to know how to deal with two boyfriends or a best friend who told a secret about her. For now I'll continue to ch
ange the Disney Channel after Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse end. I'll just wait for the day when I find Kady sneaking around watching HM, High School Musical and listening to the Jonas Brothers while eating her goldfish crackers and drinking her sippy cup. For now she will continue to play with dollhouses, coloring books, and other age appropriate toys.

By the way, when I was younger there was a show called Punky Brewster on TV. I loved this show. My mom hated the show. She would refer to it as Pukey Brewster. I guess I'm turning into my mom. Editors Note: My mom still calls her Pukey Brewster.
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