Saturday, November 29, 2008

Trimming the Tree.....

Since I have Friday's off I find that is my day to do things I put off all week. Last weeks task was to put up our Christmas tree. I had Jamie bring out the boxes and me and Kady got to work. As I was building the tree Kady kept saying, "Make it bigger!" When it was time to decorate the tree she pulled out all the ornaments that she liked and hung them all in one little group at the bottom of the tree. Kady has continued to move those ornaments all weekend.

Another fun thing I found out while decorating the tree is that she calls Santa Claus, Snow Claus. I thought she was talking about a snowman till I seen the ornament and it was a Santa Claus. I really didn't even know that she knew about Santa Claus yet. I figured I tackle that issue when we went to Jamie's Christmas party where the kids see Santa. I'm sure that her run-in with GP Santa will be an interesting blog. Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving today!! I decided to post a picture from Kady's 1st Thanksgiving. I remember I was sitting on the couch watching the Thanksgiving Parade when Jamie took this picture. It's hard to believe that was over 3 years ago. Get to bed early tonight so you can shop all day tomorrow!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Music....

Well it's that time of year that you dig through your CD's or find your holiday play list and get in the Christmas mood. You may laugh at this but the only Christmas CD that I play through the holiday is - Hanson, Snowed In. Hands down this is the best Christmas CD ever. Seriously this album has everything you would want to get you in the spirit. From upbeat Christmas favorites to slow original songs that highlight their teenage vocal ability. Don't laugh, keep in mind when this cd came out the oldest one was 14 or something.

Follow this link to sample the holiday goodness:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hanna Montana or no Hanna Montana...that is the question!

We recently went to a 4 year old's birthday party and I was a little shocked. Pretty much every gift the little girl received was Hanna Montana (HM)themed. All the little girls were going crazy over the HM dolls, HM clothes, and a HM alarm clock. Yeah I said alarm clock. I don't think I got an alarm clock till middle school and it certainly didn't play "Best of Both Worlds" to wake me up. Keep in mind all of the kids at this party was 2 - 5. I swear to you there was a 2 year old with a HM shirt on. Jamie will vouch for this because I knew nobody would believe me.

I asked a girl sitting next to me, whose daughter just turned 4 about the HM issue. She replied, "She went straight from Dora and Backyardigans to HM!" To which I replied, "You should have changed the channel." Not that I don't like Miley Cyrus, I mean just ask Amy we have some killer dance moves for her song See You Again.

I just think that 3 years old is a little young for that sort of show. This is the age where they are learning letters, numbers and how to read. Kady does not need to know how to deal with two boyfriends or a best friend who told a secret about her. For now I'll continue to change the Disney Channel after Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse end. I'll just wait for the day when I find Kady sneaking around watching HM, High School Musical and listening to the Jonas Brothers while eating her goldfish crackers and drinking her sippy cup. For now she will continue to play with dollhouses, coloring books, and other age appropriate toys.

By the way, when I was younger there was a show called Punky Brewster on TV. I loved this show. My mom hated the show. She would refer to it as Pukey Brewster. I guess I'm turning into my mom. Editors Note: My mom still calls her Pukey Brewster.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Star Station...

My latest E-Bay purchase was a Star Station for Kady. SHE LOVES IT. I don't even have to put the music cartridges in. She just loves talking and singing her own songs into the microphone. Most of the time she just stares into the TV at herself as you can see in the picture.

This thing retails in stores for over $60 and I got the player and 3 cartridges for $22.00 including shipping. You can find crazy deals on E-bay but's addicting. I never really understood the allure of E-bay but after your first purchase it becomes a habit.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action!

Jamie and I figured it was time to take Kady to see her first movie. She likes to watch cartoons and loves animals so we decided to take her to see Madagascar 2. Since we were both off on Friday afternoon we thought it would be a good time because there would be less people. This was just in case she did have a meltdown we would not want to interrupt other people. Once we got there and she seen the giant tub of popcorn and jumbo drink she was set. She put her face in the popcorn and was good the entire time. An hour and a half later we left the theater with a happy baby that was full of popcorn and singing, "I like to move it, move it!" Jamie and I were happy and we each had one buttery arm from Kady rubbing her hands on us during the movie. Small price to pay for a pleasant first movie experience.

In case you were wondering the first movie that my mom took me to was Superman 3. Bless her heart. I guess there were no kid cartoon movies out at the time. I must have enjoyed the movie because my birthday cake the next year was a Superman Cake. My mom made my cakes every year and always made exactly what I asked for.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Skater Girl....

Kady got skates for her birthday. They have sat in the corner of her room for a few weeks just taunting her from the box. Everyday she would say, "Mommy can I skate today?" To which I would respond, "Maybe Later." On my day off last week she asked me while I was in the mood for a challenge and we suited her up to skate.

As you can imagine the getting ready to skate took longer than the actual skate time. By the time she got all the equipment on she was bored. I had to hold her hand the entire time because she was a little timid about letting go. This was fine with me because I didn't want to have to bandage her up after skate time was over. After a little while she was ready to quit so I took her inside and removed all of her skate gear. She was relieved to have all of the stuff off and when I asked her if she wanted to go skate again she said, "NO Mommy, it's scary."

This whole ordeal reminded me of the story of me and my first bicycle. I got a bicycle for my 6th birthday and the only proof that I even owned a bicycle is this one picture of me on it. There are several indications in this picture that I was not cut out for cycling. First is the fact that I chose to get on the bicycle when it's nighttime. Not the ideal time for riding. Next please notice the attire that I am wearing. What child wears a dress, frilly socks and church shoes. I'll tell you who....a child who knows that this will be the one photo of her on a bicycle. I was always afraid of it. When I was forced to ride one at my friend Danielle's house I would get off of it to turn a corner. I thought I'd take the corner and fly off the other side. Like I said, I was not good at it. The moral of this story is that one day Kady will see the picture of her in skates and think the same thing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kady's Fall Pictures.....

My neighbor Nikki took these pictures of Kady in our yard a few weeks ago. Kady never has a huge grin, but these pictures capture the looks that she gives us all the time. She looks so grown up in these pictures to me.

Happy Halloween 2008

As you can see Kady and I were both Minnie Mouse this year. She loves Minnie Mouse. The costumes were a lot of fun and we had lots of compliments on them. I love dressing up for Halloween. I normally start thinking about costumes in August, how sad! We went to Red Lobster in St. Augustine with my Mom, Nana & Gacky. Jamie had to work or he would have gladly dressed up like Mickey Mouse. Not really, I would have had to force him into his black suit and red suspenders. I would have been lucky if he kept the ears on the whole time.

My adorable nephews Eli & Luke were a Cowboy and Indian this year. Amy made Eli's vest and Luke's entire costume. I will never be that crafty!!

Here goes nothing......

Most of you receive lots of emails from me updating you on the goings on in our life. I figured that I would hop into available technology and start a family blog. I'll update and post pictures regularly to fill you in on everything that we are up to. Not that we are the most interesting family in the world but sometimes I have interesting stories to share and this will be a good place to get stuff off my chest! So bookmark my blog page and check back often.