Lately Kady has been saying some pretty clever or funny things that I wanted to share.
* Kady asked me if her Daddy was home and I told her he was at work. She asked me why he had to work and I told her that he had to make money. After a minute she said, "Daddy does not make money he makes toilet paper.
* Going over the bridge the other day Kady pointed over to the smoke stacks at Seminole electric. She told mom to look at the machine making all the clouds.
* One of her fish died the other day and we called Nana to tell her the news. Kady got on the phone and told Nana that her fish ran out of breath.
* We went to my nephews preschool graduation and we kept telling Kady that she would get to do that in a few years. A few weeks later while talking to Kady about Vacation Bible school we mentioned to her that she would get to be on stage and preform her song with her class. Kady then told me that she was excited to wear a square hat and nightgown. It took me a second to put together that she was thinking about the cap and gown that Eli was wearing at his graduation. What a memory!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday to Me!!
In my 30 years of life so far I've done and seen a lot. I've graduated from school and then went on to receive my AA degree. I've worked my way up at my job to Property Manager at my current job. I've gotten married and been happily married for 9 years in October. Kady was born in October 2005 and she so far is my crowning achievement. I have been involved in church since I was born and was saved and baptized at a young age. I have seen nephews, nieces and second cousins born and family members married and witnessed my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. I've made good friends and have done a little bit of traveling. There are still places I want to go and things to accomplish but I don't have any regrets on things that I've done so far.
I had a birthday party this weekend and it was great. I was surrounded by my family and that always makes me the happiest. Everyone knows that since my birthday falls at the end of the month I celebrate all month long. I have had a few birthday dinners and I posted some pictures from some of the different parties. I have a great life and
I would not trade it for anything. 

Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson...
Such sad news that Michael Jackson passed away yesterday at the age of 50. He has had a sorted history but he still was very entertaining.
Funny enough I have a Michael Jackson story. A long time ago me and friend Danielle got these kits that included one white glove along with glitter and sequins. We spent hours gluing on sequins and applying glitter. Once finished we patiently waited for them to dry. After hours it was finally time to put on our gloves. We picked up our gloves and shoved our chubby hands in only to have glitter and sequins fly all over the place. I guess the force of our hands caused the glue to separate and so our gloves ended up being a few sparkles but we still enjoyed them.
I decided to post two pictures from what I consider his best times musically.
R.I.P. M
ichael Jackson.
Funny enough I have a Michael Jackson story. A long time ago me and friend Danielle got these kits that included one white glove along with glitter and sequins. We spent hours gluing on sequins and applying glitter. Once finished we patiently waited for them to dry. After hours it was finally time to put on our gloves. We picked up our gloves and shoved our chubby hands in only to have glitter and sequins fly all over the place. I guess the force of our hands caused the glue to separate and so our gloves ended up being a few sparkles but we still enjoyed them.
I decided to post two pictures from what I consider his best times musically.
R.I.P. M

Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Poem...
Read this poem as a reminder that our babies are only little once so make time to do the things with them while they are little becuase it passes fast.
Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton
Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Kate + 8 - Jon

I'm positive that in raising 8 kids there has to be a lot of organization. Kate was great at this almost to a fault. She allowed no room for wiggle and very seldom let anything interrupt their plans. Jon on the other hand was much more laid back and sometimes just wanted to allow their kids to "go with the flow" which by Kate's standards was not allowed. I always use to think why does he put up with her attitude and that she should be grateful he is so helpful. I could sometimes agree with her when you think about cleaning up 8 messes but on the other hand you have to let kids have kid experiences. You can never get those days back when they are little and are experiencing things for the first time.
Now that the kids have gotten older and more independent I have seen Kate relax a lot. Well as much as I think she can relax. She does not seem to have to have things her way quite as much and she is more apt to let them discover things for themselves. However, Jon seems to have grown quite restless and seems that nothing can make him happy.
It appears that now that Jon and Kate could sit back and enjoy the kids without all the stress he has chosen to find other things to occupy his time. This could be the best and most fun time in their life right now but it's taken a drastic turn in the wrong direction.
I hate to see that they have made the decision to get a divorce. I think just because they get a divorce it's not going to help their communication problems. To be honest I don't think Jon cheated on Kate or Kate on Jon. I think that Kate is doing her job and that Jon is hanging out with friends that happen to be girls. Maybe I'm naive.
I always thought that if they separated that it would be because Jon just had enough and I don't think anyone would have been surprised. I was always on Jon's side. Now I'm feeling like Jon is the one that is ultimately causing the breakdown based on what we are seeing as TV viewers. Of course we probably don't know the truth and there are two sides to every story.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Awkward Family Photos...
I like to let everyone know when I find something that I enjoy. My new recent vice is visiting this website everyday. This website shows awkward family photos and it is very funny.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Fathers Day...
Just wanted to give a little recognition to my baby's daddy. haha. Jamie is the best daddy ever. He does everything Kady wants him to do and is always at her beck and call. Kady is his little buddy and they do everything from grocery shopping to mowing the lawn together. They look just alike and have the same facial expressions. I love watching them together. I could not ask for a better person to be my husband and father to my child.

Friday, June 19, 2009
60th Anniversary...
Mom and I also put together a video of their 60 years together. It was fun to see all the old pictures and brought back alot of memories for them.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Boomarang Express...

This was the first time she had been involved in something away from us and really any family members except for my sister-in-law Amy. I feel like she did really well being away and mingling with the other kids and adults. I can remember loving Vacation Bible School and looking forward to it every year and i'm glad that she had the opportunity to experience it. I'm already looking forward to her being involved next year.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Princess Tiana...
If you have a little girl, you probably know about the newest Disney princess: Tiana. Even though she's starring in a film, The Princess and the Frog, that doesn't arrive in theaters until December, everyone is talking about her. Why? For the first time ever the one wearing the tiara is black.
Since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, all of Disney's princesses have predominantly been white. Pocahontas featured a Native American princess, and Jasmine in Aladdin had a Middle Eastern appearance.
"Finally, here is something that all little girls, especially young black girls, can embrace, and that is huge," Cori Murray, an entertainment director at Essence magazine, recently told CNN. "This sends a message that no matter what you look like you can be beautiful, that you can be a princess, that you can be first lady."
Set in 1920s New Orleans against a background of jazz and voodoo, the movie is an adaptation of the classic tale The Frog Prince. Tiana is a waitress and budding chef who dreams of owning a restaurant and is persuaded to kiss a frog who is really a prince. The spell backfires and Tiana also becomes a frog and together they go on an adventure to find a cure.
Tony award-winning actress Anika Noni Rose will give voice to Princess Tiana. Talk show host and business mogul Oprah Winfrey and Oscar-nominated actor Terrence Howard also voice characters in the movie.
While many believe Princess Tiana sends a positive message, Internet chat rooms and blogs are abuzz with complaints. Some think her skin is too light and her name too ethnic while others are disturbed by the New Orleans location.
"Disney should be ashamed," William Blackburn, a former columnist at The Charlotte Observer, told London's Daily Telegraph. "Despite all its resources and experience, it has failed to create a black princess to rival its predecessors. This princess story is set in New Orleans, the setting of one of the most devastating tragedies to beset a black community. And then they throw in the voodoo theme and an alligator sidekick. When you put New Orleans, alligators and voodoo together, there's no beauty there."
The most controversial aspect of the movie is the skin tone of Princess Tiana's lover. Although he is called Prince Naveen and voiced by a Brazilian actor, he looks white. Some bloggers have said that Tiana and Naveen make a great interracial couple, while some say Disney ducked the opportunity to create a fairytale black couple. This definitely would have been timely, considering that the current president and first lady are black. Many are also saying that Disney is reenforcing the age-old message that a hero has to be a white man.
A reader writes on on April 22, 2009: I LOVE that Disney is finally putting a black princess on the big screen. This is awesome. However, I disagree that the prince being bi-racial or whatever is not of importance. What is the problem with a strong black male image? Why does the media not believe that a black male can hold down a leading role, even in a cartoon? Hello, anyone ever heard of Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Sidney Poitier? What's the deal?
The film has been dogged by racial controversy since Disney first announced their plans for the first black princess. Its heroine was originally to be a chambermaid called Maddy working for a spoiled white debutante. The storyline sparked a backlash from critics who claimed it reinforced prejudice and demeaned black people.
Disney says they're working hard to create a film that will please the African American community. "Our first goal is to make a great motion picture," says John Lasseter, chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, told the Washington Post. "But we have also worked very closely with a lot of leaders in the African American community, all across the nation, to make sure we're doing something African American families will be proud of. It's very important for us to do it right. We've been very careful and cognizant about what we're doing."
"Finally, here is something that all little girls, especially young black girls, can embrace, and that is huge," Cori Murray, an entertainment director at Essence magazine, recently told CNN. "This sends a message that no matter what you look like you can be beautiful, that you can be a princess, that you can be first lady."
Set in 1920s New Orleans against a background of jazz and voodoo, the movie is an adaptation of the classic tale The Frog Prince. Tiana is a waitress and budding chef who dreams of owning a restaurant and is persuaded to kiss a frog who is really a prince. The spell backfires and Tiana also becomes a frog and together they go on an adventure to find a cure.
Tony award-winning actress Anika Noni Rose will give voice to Princess Tiana. Talk show host and business mogul Oprah Winfrey and Oscar-nominated actor Terrence Howard also voice characters in the movie.
While many believe Princess Tiana sends a positive message, Internet chat rooms and blogs are abuzz with complaints. Some think her skin is too light and her name too ethnic while others are disturbed by the New Orleans location.

"Disney should be ashamed," William Blackburn, a former columnist at The Charlotte Observer, told London's Daily Telegraph. "Despite all its resources and experience, it has failed to create a black princess to rival its predecessors. This princess story is set in New Orleans, the setting of one of the most devastating tragedies to beset a black community. And then they throw in the voodoo theme and an alligator sidekick. When you put New Orleans, alligators and voodoo together, there's no beauty there."
The most controversial aspect of the movie is the skin tone of Princess Tiana's lover. Although he is called Prince Naveen and voiced by a Brazilian actor, he looks white. Some bloggers have said that Tiana and Naveen make a great interracial couple, while some say Disney ducked the opportunity to create a fairytale black couple. This definitely would have been timely, considering that the current president and first lady are black. Many are also saying that Disney is reenforcing the age-old message that a hero has to be a white man.
A reader writes on on April 22, 2009: I LOVE that Disney is finally putting a black princess on the big screen. This is awesome. However, I disagree that the prince being bi-racial or whatever is not of importance. What is the problem with a strong black male image? Why does the media not believe that a black male can hold down a leading role, even in a cartoon? Hello, anyone ever heard of Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Sidney Poitier? What's the deal?
The film has been dogged by racial controversy since Disney first announced their plans for the first black princess. Its heroine was originally to be a chambermaid called Maddy working for a spoiled white debutante. The storyline sparked a backlash from critics who claimed it reinforced prejudice and demeaned black people.
Disney says they're working hard to create a film that will please the African American community. "Our first goal is to make a great motion picture," says John Lasseter, chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, told the Washington Post. "But we have also worked very closely with a lot of leaders in the African American community, all across the nation, to make sure we're doing something African American families will be proud of. It's very important for us to do it right. We've been very careful and cognizant about what we're doing."
Does anyone else find this article irritating? It irks me that no matter what is done it always turns into an issue of color. Anybody have any comments??
Monday, June 8, 2009
Crazy 8's...
Crazy 8's
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. My 30th Birthday
2. Grandparents 60th Anniversary Dinner
3. Kady starting dance class
4. Disney World in October
5. Going to the beach this summer
6. Being moved into my new office
7. Going to the Zoo in July
8. Kady starting Vacation Bible School
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Went to church
2. Ate lunch with the family
3. Folded clothes
4. Cooked dinner
5. Played with Kady
6. Scrapbooked
7. Watched TV
8. Hung out with Jamie
8 Things I WISH I could do:
1. Play an instrument
2. Quit Work
3. Win the lottery
4. Be more patient
5. Not have any bills
6. Lose weight overnight =)
7. Be good at everything I attempt
8. Did I already say win the lottery....
8 Shows I watch:
1. The Young and the Restless
2. The Office
3. Jon & Kate plus 8
4. How I Met Your Mother
5. 18 Kids and Counting
6. Project Runway
7. Bachelor/Bachelorette
8. Bridezillas
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. My 30th Birthday
2. Grandparents 60th Anniversary Dinner
3. Kady starting dance class
4. Disney World in October
5. Going to the beach this summer
6. Being moved into my new office
7. Going to the Zoo in July
8. Kady starting Vacation Bible School
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Went to church
2. Ate lunch with the family
3. Folded clothes
4. Cooked dinner
5. Played with Kady
6. Scrapbooked
7. Watched TV
8. Hung out with Jamie
8 Things I WISH I could do:
1. Play an instrument
2. Quit Work
3. Win the lottery
4. Be more patient
5. Not have any bills
6. Lose weight overnight =)
7. Be good at everything I attempt
8. Did I already say win the lottery....
8 Shows I watch:
1. The Young and the Restless
2. The Office
3. Jon & Kate plus 8
4. How I Met Your Mother
5. 18 Kids and Counting
6. Project Runway
7. Bachelor/Bachelorette
8. Bridezillas
Friday, June 5, 2009
I had to share this picture that I took of a little green rain frog. He was sitting on Kady's slide last Saturday afternoon and she freaked out but I thought he was cute.
Thursday, June 4, 2009

First we went to TGI Friday's and it was surprisingly good. After that we headed over to the theater and John, Amy, Eli & Luke met us over there. The movie was in 3-D so we all got to wear the 3-D glasses and it was really neat. It was nice to see the movie the way it was intended to be seen.
I really didn't know what to expect from the movie based on the trailers. It ended up being a very good movie for kids and adults. I think we were all laughing as much as the kids. I recommend that you go and see the movie. In case you have not seen previews for the movie I'd put a link to the trailer at the bottom of this post.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Eli's Preschool Graduation...
My nephew Eli graduated from preschool at First Baptist Church a few weeks ago. The ceremony was really cute and well done. The kids sang several songs and recited their poems and pledges. In speaking with my sister-in-law throughout the year they have really done alot of cute crafts and learned all the basics. It's hard to believe that Eli is going to start Kindergarden in a few month.
Becuase of Kady's birthday she won't start preschool until next school year and that's fine with me.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New Moon Trailer...
The trailer for New Moon premiered at the MTV Movie Awards Sunday Night. It looks great. I love that they showed a transformation sceen for Jacob in the last few seconds. In case you missed it here it is.
Just think only 170 days till you get to see the rest!
Just think only 170 days till you get to see the rest!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Chuck E. Cheese

Anyway, I'm happy that we finally got a picture. This was actually the best visit we had to Chuck E. Cheese. We went to the one in Jacksonville and got there around 1:30pm. There was probably only around 20 people in the whole place so it was great.
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