Friday, January 30, 2009

Zoe's Birthday...

We went to Zoe Byrd's 2nd birthday party last
Saturday. Kady had so much fun at the party
with all the kids. There were a bunch of kids so Kady was in heaven playing with all of them.Jessica planned a Minnie Mouse party and she did some really creative things for the party. One of the cute things she did was made ice cream cups that looked like a
mouse face. I guess being a Kindergarden teacher makes you more patient to do things like that. I would have made one and got frustrated and ate all the mini-cookies instead.

The Minnie cake was made by JJ's Cakes which is a local business and she makes really cute cakes. You can check out her MYSPACE page to see more pictures of her designs. She is also the sister of Casey Cahan who owns Scrappies. I guess their whole family is creative.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All dressed up...

This was Kady before church last Sunday. She must have loved this dress because she was striking poses all day long. She looks so grown up in these pictures.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I took this picture when we were at Disney World a few weeks ago. I thought that the color was so vibrant and pretty.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cruise Countdown...

I've officially started a countdown to my next vacation. I have just over a month left!! I'm so ready for this vacation. To everyone yelling, "You just went on Vacation in October!", I know but I need this one. After all of the holidays and then getting back to work it's time already to get de-stressed again.

We love cruises but this will be Kady's first cruise. I think she will be at a good age to really enjoy everything going on. She is still fascinated by everything so she should be easy to entertain.

Monday, January 26, 2009


We took Kady to the circus that was at the fairgrounds last week. She had so much fun. Amy and her two boys met us there as well. During the intermission they rode ponies and an elephant. They were all willing to get on them and take their turn. As soon as our kids were on the elephant we were stressed for the minute it took them to go around the circle. They were excited and wanted to do it again!
By 5:30pm the tempature had really dropped and we were all freezing! Kady was so cold that Jamie bundled her up in his jacket. She still wanted to eat the circus peanuts so he had to put them in her hand and she was eating them that way. It was actually kind of funny.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yo Gabba Gabba...

Once you have kids you learn more about kids TV shows than you ever wanted to know. All shows are basically the same you learn the alphabet, shapes and how to count. Everything is normal and predictable except one show, Yo Gabba Gabba. This show premiered on Nick Jr. in August 07 and the first time I watched it I was in awe.

This show is fascinating. The characters, skits, songs and cartoons on this show are always so "out there" that you can't stop watching. Kady has finally really started liking the show for about the past 6 months. She knows all the songs and dances and loves all the characters. There are 6 main characters (in order of picture): Muno, Foofa, Plex, Brobee and Toodee. In front is DJ Lance he is the leader of all the characters. There is always a special guest or musical guest in each episode. Here are some of the people that have been on: Tony Hawk, The Aquabats, Elijah Wood, The Ting Tings, Sugarland, The Shins and lots more.

Right now I'm enjoying Biz Markie's - Biz's Beats of the Day where your child learns a new beat boxing technique every day. It's great when your 3 years old is saying, "wicky wicky wicky and making beat box sounds. She also says, "Mama are you ready??" and when I say yeah she says, "OK NOW BREAK IT DOWN!" Knowing how to break it down is a skill that she will need later in life.
If you have time go to YouTube and search the show. You will see for yourself how unique the show is and you to will be hooked. I suggest searching the songs, Party in my Tummy or Snacky Snack Snack.
I should tell my mom to start planning the Yo Gabba Gabba birthday cake for Kady this year. I'm gonna need some volunteers to dress up like the characters...anyone interested?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reality TV....

Confession...I love Reality TV! I'm ashamed at how much of it I actually watch. Don't get me wrong, I don't sit all night in front of the TV but I TIVO so much stuff. I watch things that are so crazy for example, Rock of Love with Bret Michaels on VH1. I don't think that is a show that I would normally watch but since I can record it and watch it anytime I do! There is always some sort of crazy reality show recorded anytime I want to watch something.

I'm also hooked on shows that recap reality TV shows like The Soup and The Dish. They both recap my shows and throw in some humor so we can all laugh at how sad the contestants are.

Shows I'm currently watching: Top Chef, The Bachelor, Ace of Cakes, American Idol, Whose Wedding, Big Redneck Wedding, Girls Next Door, The Hills, The City, Real Housewives, i could go on but I'll stop. I use to always watch Real World and Road Rules on MTV but for about the past 5 years I've stopped. Once I got older than most contestants it lost it's luster.

I hope that I'm not alone out there I know there are others that watch all this crap and are memorized by it. If you have a favorite reality show that you watch let me know so I can add it to my TIVO schedule.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I took Kady downtown the other day to see the Budweiser Clydesdales. There were eight of them that were suited up to pull the wagon up the street. Kady loved the big horses and the white hair on their legs and feet. It's funny to hear hear say Clydesdale.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President...

Tonight is the inauguration for the president elect Barack Obama. I still have mixed feelings about him being the leader of the United States. I have not really talked or thought much about the election since November. When it was over everyone was so tired of hearing Obama/McCain talk that it was nice to stop discussing it. Now with all the festivities surrounding the event tonight it has got me thinking about things again.

I have accepted the fact 8,000,000 more people people voted for Obama than McCain. I feel that neither candidate or vice president candidates were excellent choices but I had chosen to vote for McCain because what he stood for best matched what I believed in.


Ok, I have to admit I have sat here and typed and deleted so much things trying to explain my views on this matter. I know that my BLOG should be where I can speak my mind and express my opinions. However, I don't want to hurt feelings and no amount of me wanting the election to go another way will make it happen. At this point we can all just sit back and see what "change" will really happen.


I'll most likely not watch the big show on TV tonight, there will be enough coverage tomorrow on the Internet and newspapers. The Bible says we should pray for those who are leaders and rulers of our country and i'll do just that for the next four years.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Little More History...

Jamie and I were married 5 years before we had Kady. We actually celebrated our 5 year anniversary in the hospital 3 days after having her. I'm so glad that we waited as long as we did and had all the time that we did to still be a new married couple. For 4 years us and our friends went out all the time and did whatever we wanted. We were all newly married with no kids. That is rare to have a group all who had no obligations except our jobs.

Now we have a sweet baby girl, Kady Leigh Tincher. She is the center of our universe. She came at a perfect time and we are able to really enjoy her and do things with her that we would not have been able to do years ago.

The pictures that I chose to put on this blog are some of my more memorable baby pictures. The big one, and I mean big picture not my enormous size, is the day before I went into the hospital. I was already a week late and miserable. What a horrible picture. The first picture on the bottom is me in the hospital after the epidural and right before they took me back for the c-section. The second one is the first picture of the 3 of us, not my prettiest moment. Lastly is Kady about 2 months old in her car seat. I always thought this was so cute.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Little History...

For those of you who don't know, Jamie and I have a long history together. When we were young his parents and brothers moved in next door to us. We spent most of our childhood playing together and hanging out. Their family moved to another house when we were both in high school. We lost touch for a few years and mostly just kept up through our families.

In 1998 I stopped by Cowart's (which is where Jamie worked for 13 years) to drop of a Christmas card for the Tincher family. Jamie and I started talking and decided to go to dinner to catch up. We ended up at Carabba's in Orange Park. We have been together ever since.

We got engaged on Valentines Day 2000 and then got married October 21, 2000.

(The picture on the right is us in children's church at Open Bible Baptist Church-1988. The picture on the left is us in my backyard-1986)

We have now been married for over 8 years and we are more happy now than ever. Being married to Jamie is easy and effortless. We have a strong relationship and are friends above all else. I know that I'll be married to Jamie forever because he is a great husband, good provider and a perfect father. I love this man.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nana's Birthday...

Nana celebrated her 79th birthday on Wednesday. I had to share a pic of how cute she is. Nana is one of the reasons that I'm able to work. She keeps Kady for me a day or two during the week along with my mother-in-law. Kady loves being with her and Gacky and I LOVE that Kady is experiencing the same things that I did growing up. I have lots of fond memories of spending the days with Nana & Gack. Keeping Kady helps them stay young!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2 Weeks...

Well I'm two weeks into my diet. So far I have lost 5 pounds. Two and a half pounds a week. That's exciting. Pretty much anything but gaining weight is exciting! Things are going good. I'm making sure I eat something good for breakfast and then I normally eat a Weight Watchers meal at lunch. Snacks are usually dry cereal, pretzels or crackers.

I'm being very cautious to measure servings and count out serving sizes. I'm drinking plenty of water and trying to exercise. I'll get better at the exercising thing, I really I promise.

I hope everyone else who is trying to do the diet thing is having good results.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Taste of Italy...

We finally tried the new Italian restaurant in town located where Corky Bell's use to be. It opened a few weeks ago and is called, A Taste of Italy. We went on a Sunday afternoon and were pleasantly surprised. They have it decorated nice in there, it's much different that the old seafood motif. They have a lot of Italian decor and they actually tried to make it look fancy by setting out full place settings at the tables.

It was funny because when we walked in Kady said, "I want popcorn shrimp!" She figured it was the same placed just cleaned up.

They have a separate lunch menu that is not as expansive as the dinner menu but they had a nice selection. Aside from the Italian fare they also had several sandwiches, salads and regular seafood options. The prices were comparable to other places locally and the food was good. Most of us sampled something Italian and all the dishes were tasty. They bake their own ciabatta bread and give you the olive oil with herbs like you would get at Carabbas.

The best 6 and under eat FREE!! Kids over 6 get the meals for 1/2 price off the adult menu and then kids meals are $5.95.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Old Friends....

While Amy was home we were able to go to dinner with some other friends of ours that we have known since elementary school. Melinda Brown and Mary K. Rivers (Williams) were girls that we went to school with since we were Browning Pearce Bears together. We went to each others birthday parties and many sleepovers together.

After school we lost touch but now with everyone being on Facebook and My Space we found each other again and were able to catch up. I was able to see Melinda at my 10 year high school reunion in June 2007. Then I seen Mary K. in October 2008 at her baby shower. Now it worked out that we were all going to be in town at the same time over the holidays and we were able to have dinner.
It was nice to get together face to face and catch up after so long. Everyone seems to be happy and doing fun things with their lives.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm a Gator Hater!

Congratulations to the Florida Gators. Winning the National Championship is a huge deal and major props if you can pull it off. I confess that I am not a fan of college football. Something about it makes me just not like it I never really have. The only thing I do like about it is the fact that there is a band. On the other hand I love professional football. Maybe it's the all the fanfare surrounding the pros or the commercialism of the games but I love it. Other people say they like college ball because the guys are playing harder and trying to prove something. Still, I don't care.

The only things I know about college football is that I don't like the Florida Gators. It's really a recent "hate" that I have for them since Tim Tebow has been the major topic of every sports conversation on any sports channel. Why is everyone in love with Tebow? Sure he is a good, dare I say GREAT football player but why does he get so much more coverage than everyone else? There are other players, quarterbacks even who have equally good or better stats but everyone raves about Tebow. Just hearing his names every 4 seconds on TV and seeing him on the front page of the sports section makes me cringe. Honestly, Mr. Tebow with his face stickers, goofy grin and stupid comments after the games makes me roll my eyes. If I see one more picture of Tebow with a superman cape I will not be held responsible for my actions. Did you hear that someone recently named their child "TEBOW"....really??? Was every other name taken. I was hoping to see him tear up again like he did after the loss against Ole' Miss. Then everyone would be like poor Tebow he was to busy building orphanages and feeding the homeless to get ready for the game. Boo fricken Hoo.
Once the hoopla surrounding -he who shall not be named - is over and he is not connected to the Gators anymore I'll stop being a Gator Hater. I want to like the Gators, I mean I should at least show a little support to the team since their school is so close to us and my best friend became a Doctor there. I promise I won't secretly hope their quarterback breaks his leg or fumble the ball anymore and I'll stop yelling "INTERCEPT THE BALL" to the opposing team through my TV.
I'm sorry to all the gator fans that read my blog and I know that's a lot of you, I mean ALL of you. No hard feelings the season is over.

(Confession: I play in a football pool at work and I was rooting for the Gators for 1/2 a second so I could win $125 and they came thru for me. Thank you Gators I now have a little less hate for you.)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amy's Visit...

My best friend Amy was home for Christmas a few weeks ago. This is our 2008 Christmas tree picture. We probably have one of these for the past 10 years, it's our tradition. It's always great to see her and we seem to pick up where we leave off from visit to visit. I love her family and going to her house is like going home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mom in the Magic Kingdom...

On New Year's Day we were at the house and decided since we didn't have much to do for the next couple of days that we would run down to Disney. Later that night I called Mom and convinced her to go. I say convinced because she is neither a planner nor a spur of the moment kind of person. You just have to either force her to do it or spring a plan on her once she gets in the car. She met us at 7am that next morning and we had breakfast and hit the road. We made it down to the Magic Kingdom and the fun began. I started the trip by forgetting to grab our tickets out of the car and we had to get back on a tram to get back to parking to get the tickets. Not really a major thing but frustrating to me because I strive to be organized.

The park was so crowded. I was thinking that being a Friday it would not be terribly busy but I guess because it was still a holiday weekend it was crazy. Lines for rides were 70-80 minutes! We skipped those rides. We really utilized the "fast-pass" option and that worked great. We rode a lot of rides and seen many shows. At around 8pm we headed for the front door to buy our pictures and go home. Almost to our destination the light parade began and we were on the wrong side of the street so we were stuck in the parade crowd. When it was over we were still trying to make it to Main Street and were in the congestion of the people standing and waiting to watch the fireworks. We finally made it out of the park and in the car at 10PM and home a little after midnight.

Kady loved her Nene being there with her and Mom loved seeing the Magic Kingdom through her eyes. Maybe sometime later we can trick her into going to another park with us.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Eve Party 2009

The new year's eve party was fun as usual and everyone had a good time. Jamie hooked up all the lights and he has finally perfected his light canopy and it's so pretty when it's all lit up. We had so much food like we normally do and all the other dishes that people brought were delicious. Ashley brought homemade Brownies which did not help my resolution to lose weight. Like I told another friend of mine, we still have 364 days to get on track so no big deal.

The weather was nice. Chilly enough to wear a coat especially since we were outside but better than being hot. We had a good turnout, ended up with 55 people there. Mom made a point that when we had our first party years ago none of us had kids yet. Now at the party's there are a ton of kids and we have see them go from babies to little kids running around being loud. It was great though they all were wore out by the time they left so I'm sure they all slept good that night.
At about 8:30pm we shot off firework mortars like we do every year. Around 9:00pm we had another visitor to the party, a Putnam County Sheriff Officer. Someone in either my neighborhood or the street behind us called the cops for us disturbing the peace. Now granted I don't want to hear other peoples noise but it was new year's eve, we did it as a reasonable time of night and it maybe lasted 10 minutes. Oh well, maybe I won't have such a tolerance throughout the year for other peoples noise this year. The officer was mainly just making sure that we were not shooting off any more and was very nice about it. That was our excitement for the night.

Most people leave between 10pm-11pm to get home before the roads are questionable. This year Jamie's brothers and their families hung out and we played Rock Band till after 1am. Me and Amy stuck Kady and Luke in the bathtub around midnight so we rang in the new year bathing the kids and playing with bath toys. All in all it was another good night with no injuries and a good time spent with family and friends.
A quick story before I go...we always have oysters at the party. Kady asked me what they were and I told her and she said, "No mama those are rocks." Kids have such a funny way of explaining things.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jamie is 32!!

Im married to an old man...Jamie's 32nd birthday is today. I didn't know what kind of cake to order him this year and I didn't want it to be just a normal cake. When I was looking through the cake book at Publix I seen the hamburger cake and knew that Jamie would love it.

As always we had a party at our house. We did it yesterday because with both of us getting home well after 6pm it would be a rush to get everything done. I'm sure he liked his presents and had a good time with everyone. I love him and I'm thankful that I'm his wife and get to share birthdays with him.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I hope that everyone had a great Christmas holiday. Things were fun at our house. Since Jamie started day shift on Christmas we opened presents on Christmas Eve morning. Kady came in our room that morning and said, "Now can I open presents??". She did really good opening her presents this year. Everything she opened she acted so excited and would ask us, "Moma, where did you get this?". Some of her favorite presents were: trampoline, Handy Manny tool box, dollhouses (she got 2), and a new pink chair for her room.
We had all the presents opened by 10AM at our house and while Kady was playing I slowly started taking down the ornaments on the tree. Since we bought a new tree for next year after all the ornaments were off I was able to take the tree to the road to go out with the trash. I know it's crazy but it was so nice to have the tree down, I can't handle the clutter after all the presents are open.